Und da das auf den Flyer nur in Französisch steht hier mal noch die Englische Version...(da mein Englisch nicht so gut is kann ich es euch leider nicht in Deutsch übersetzen)...
Lisa had a brain tumor on September 1st 2008, she had 2 ½ years.
These parents are beating with her against the disease, but despite three neurosurgery operations, and 16 months of chemotherapy, cancer took their little angel on December 29th 2009.
Their story is unfortunately not unique and that is why they have promised at Lisa to continue the fight for other children.
So they founded the association "Lisa Forever" in memory of their daughter so courageous and for all children who are still there.)
The DMS designeuses have created a kit for raise funds that will be donated to the association..
This association aims to help find new treatments for brain tumors and to improve the lives of hospitalized children through workshops, performances and other events at the hospital .
So thank you to all those who buy the kit "Lisa Forever" as well as derivatives .
Und hier nun mal die Kits...die für diese Aktion erstellt wurden...
Girl Version

Boy version

beide Kits sind *hier im Shop* zu bekommen.... Außerdem dazu passend noch ein QP Set und ein "Full-Pack" wo dann alles enthalten ist, schaut einfach mal rein!
1 Kommentar:
You forgot to make my ad(advertising) with my light coffee-colored kit
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