kaufen könnt ihr euch die WA´s *hier im Shop*, *auch hier im Shop* und *hier*
und hier sind 2 Layouts die gleichzeitig fürs CT bei Rena noch sind...

Wordart: WA Pack2 "Autumn" by Cornelia Designs @deco-pages.com, http://www.justdigilightful.com/shoppe/index.php?main_page=index&manufacturers_id=21 and scrapbird.com
Paper, all Elements: Kit "Autumn is coming" by Rena Designs @ http://www.scrap-dreams.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=14_18&products_id=157&zenid=d7f9f96986598017de157ebb6dd02c5e
Pics: by shayenne

Wordart: WA Pack2 "Autumn" by Cornelia Designs @deco-pages.com, http://www.justdigilightful.com/shoppe/index.php?main_page=index&manufacturers_id=21 and scrapbird.com
Paper, all Elements: Kit "Autumn is coming" by Rena Designs @ http://www.scrap-dreams.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&cPath=14_18&products_id=157&zenid=d7f9f96986598017de157ebb6dd02c5e
Pics: by shayenne
2 Kommentare:
find ich beide toll.
wirklich klasse Layouts, toll!!
LG Maike
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